Experience the revolutionary Power of God, as the Holy Spirit ministers grace unto the hearers. God has anointed Nichelle for such a time as this to proclaim the good news and joy of the Lord Jesus to all, especially those who are held captive by the spirit of fear, depression, rejection, and sin. Through revelatory power in the Word of God and the ministry of song, watch God set at liberty those that are bound, that they might walk in lives marked by the salvation of Jesus Christ, abundant production, and effective results.
Powered through our public relations and marketing division of Break Forth Ministries and Consulting, Inc. Nichelle and her team can assist ministries in need of re-establishing its presence in the community or just upgrading its branding or image. Whether designing a new website, marketing materials, media kits, banners, programs, biographies, media kits, or coordination of special events such as conferences, workshops, meetings, etc.; we specialize in making sure that "the world knows who you are!"
Facilitated by Break Forth Ministries and Consulting, Inc, let Nichelle and her staff of highly trained and motivated professionals help take your ministry to the next dimension with leadership training, ministry etiquette training, armor bearer training, strategic planning, human resources training and more. We also can customize a training program to meet your needs, just tell us what the issue is and we can help you resolve it quickly, effectively and cost efficiently. What are you waiting for, it's your time to "breakforth"!
This dynamic workshop teaches men and women of God about the power of praise worship. God has given Nichelle an uncanny anointing to usher the Saints of God into His presence that they might experience His glory and gain a spiritual understanding of how to invoke God's presence in the church service and in their personal lives. This workshop emphasizes the importance of spending time with God and having a committed relationship with Him through prayer, reading of the Holy Word, and by living a holy and separated life in this present world.
Are you ready to take your music department to another level? If so, this workshop is for your ministry. Through several years of professional and spiritual training, Nichelle teaches the importance of spiritual preparation before ministering in song, proper breathing, choosing the appropriate songs for service, leadership and lots more. After the biblical instruction, new songs are taught and prepared to minister in concert on the closing day or night of the workshop. You will immediately see a new fire in the choir, in Jesus Name!"
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